During the consultation of our Site, cookies are deposited on your computer, your mobile or your tablet. A cookie is a text file deposited when you visit a site or view an advertisement. Its purpose is to collect information about your browsing and to send you services adapted to your terminal, in order to improve your browsing experience. This is also why we use cookies, for example, to identify you and access your account.
If you do not wish to use cookies, you must configure your computer settings to erase all website cookies and/or receive notification if cookies are stored. This procedure is explained below.
If you do not wish to change your cookie settings, simply continue your visit to the site.
To learn more about cookies and how they affect you and your browsing experience, visit the CNIL website: https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-les-outils-pour-les-maitriser.
Cookies are placed on the site directly by OKAIDI: a simplified joint stock company whose head office is located at 162 boulevard de Fourmies, Roubaix (59100), registered with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de LILLE METROPOLE under number 398 110 445.
In addition, cookies are deposited by some of our partners on the site, known as third-party cookies
Performance cookies: These cookies collect anonymous information about navigation on the Site. They allow OKAIDI SAS to detect possible problems and to improve navigation on the Site.
Functional cookies: These cookies collect your preferences and thus facilitate your navigation on the site (e.g., choice of language, articles consulted, etc.)
Authentication cookies: These cookies are essential to identify you and access your account on our site. They expire when you leave the browsing session.
Audience measurement cookies: The purpose of these cookies is to obtain information on the navigation of visitors and to understand their path. This allows us to improve the idkids.fr site and enhance the customer experience.
Advertising cookies: These cookies allow the display of advertising messages in the name of and on behalf of the IDKIDS brand during your navigation on sites external to the idkids.fr site. The data we collect via these cookies is used exclusively for advertising campaigns and is anonymous. They allow us to offer you advertising content that corresponds to your expectations.
Social network" cookies: These cookies facilitate interaction with the various social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter) on the IDKIDS website and allow visitors to share the content of their choice. These cookies may also facilitate visitors' interaction on the IDKIDS Site via the community chat tool.
"Personal Recommendation" cookies: these cookies facilitate the recommendation of Products and/or Services on the IDKIDS Site, through the analysis of your browsing.
For your information, we use retargeting technology. This allows us to display personalized advertising, targeted to your needs on the Sites, newsletters or applications, via banners from our advertising partners. The display of advertisements is based on an analysis of the usage behavior based on cookies. No personal data is stored here and the use of retargeting technology is carried out in compliance with the legal provisions on data protection.
AB TASTY : In order to serve you better, we carry out A/B tests during your visits thanks to AB TASTY solutions. AB TASTY collects statistical data on visits. These data are connection data relating, for example, to the browser used, the number of pages viewed, the number of visits, the path taken by the Internet user on a site, the time spent on a site, a page, the filling of the basket or its abandonment, etc. If you do not wish to take part in these tests, you may refer to AB TASTY's web page on privacy and follow the instructions provided there. For more information on AB TASTY's privacy policy, please visit: https://www.abtasty.com/fr/mentions-legales/.
ABTasty is a testing tool that benefits from an exemption to consent (in accordance with the requirements of the CNIL), to benefit from the withdrawal of consent (opt-out), please click here.
ADOBE: ADOBE CAMPAIGN uses cookies to enhance your customer experience, create groupings among its customers, and to provide you with email and SMS advertising campaigns that are personalized to your specific needs. ADOBE ANALYTICS uses cookies for statistical purposes. They allow us to analyze and measure the audience of the idkids.fr site, according to the information obtained on the navigation of the visitors, and see how they can improve the user experience. For more information on ADOBE's privacy policy, please visit: https://www.adobe.com/fr/privacy.html.
BING: BING uses cookies to store information about the content you have viewed on the idkids.co.uk site in order to provide personalized advertising when you visit other sites. For more information on BING's privacy policy, please visit: https://privacy.microsoft.com/fr-fr/privacystatement.
COMMANDERS ACT: COMMANDERS ACT uses cookies to help us manage data from collection to activation. COMMANDERS ACT also uses cookies to enhance your customer experience, to create groupings among our customers, and to enable us to provide you with email and SMS advertising campaigns that are customized to your specific needs. For more information on COMMANDERS ACT's privacy policy, please visit: https://www.commandersact.com/fr/vie-privee/.
CRITEO RETARGETING:CRITEO uses cookies to store information about the content you have viewed on idkids.com in order to provide you with personalized advertising when you visit other sites. You can choose to disable this type of advertising by visiting the following page: https://www.criteo.com/fr/privacy/.
FACEBOOK: FACEBOOK uses cookies on the idkids.co.uk website in order to be able to deliver advertising messages that are adapted to you after you have visited our idkids.co.uk website. For more information on FACEBOOK's privacy policy, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/.
FLOWBOX: FLOWBOX collects cookies in order to allow IDKIDS to use the photos and videos you post on social networks. This allows IDKIDS to be inspired and to offer users a more fun and practical way to discover IDKIDS products. The cookies collected will therefore allow IDKIDS to exploit your posts and benefit from the flow generated. For more information on the FLOWBOX privacy policy, please visit: https://getflowbox.com/privacy
GOOGLE: GOOGLE uses cookies to store information about the content you have viewed on the idkids.co.uk site in order to provide you with personalized advertising when you visit other sites. It also uses cookies to improve the user experience on the site and to provide you with tailored advertising. For more information on Google's privacy policy, please visit : https://policies.google.com/privacy.
SPREAD: SPREAD uses a tracking cookie to measure the audience (visits to the site) for 3 months. This cookie identifies you by name and is not shared with other sites.
GOOGLE ADWORDS : Google uses cookies to store information about the content you consulted on the idkids.fr site in order to provide you with personalized advertising when you visit other sites.
CONVERSANT: Conversant uses cookies to store information about the content you have viewed on idkids.com in order to provide you with personalized advertising when you visit other sites. You can choose to deactivate this type of advertising by clicking here
AT INTERNET: AT INTERNET uses cookies to improve audience measurement. Thanks to cookies, we can measure and optimize the digital activity of the website. All the data collected gives us insights into the navigation and behavior of users on the idkids website (example of the types of data collected: number of visits, number of pages viewed, time spent on each page). For more information, please consult :https://www.atinternet.com/rgpd-et-vie-privee/. AT Internet is an analytical tool benefiting from an exemption to consent (in accordance with the requirements of the CNIL), to benefit from the withdrawal of consent (opt-out), please click here.
The information stored in the cookies issued by Okaidi SAS or by its partners are intended for it, except when they are "third party cookies" exclusively managed by third parties, which are of their entire responsibility.
Cookies can be managed in different ways: depending on your preferences, you can authorize them, refuse them, deactivate them (a cookie already deposited can only be deactivated, it will only be deleted at the end of its lifetime). We draw your attention to the fact that the total rejection of cookies may lead to some of our Services being inaccessible or to a less efficient or less adapted use of our Services.
You can express your choices and modify your wishes through your browser.
The configuration of each browser is different. It is up to you to follow the instructions of your browser's publisher as follows (links available as of the date this privacy policy was updated):
For Internet Explorer™: open the "Tools" menu, then select "Internet Options"; click on the "Privacy" tab and then the "Advanced" tab choose the desired level or find these explanations with the following link: https://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies
For Firefox™: open the "Tools" menu, then select "Options"; click on the "Privacy" tab then choose the desired options or follow this link: https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20et%20d%C3%A9sactiver%20les%20cookies
For Chrome™: open the configuration menu (wrench logo), then select "Options"; click on "Advanced Options" then in the "Privacy" section, click on "Content Settings", and choose the desired options or find these explanations with the following link: https://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647
For Safari™: choose "Safari > Preferences" then click on "Security"; In the section "Accept cookies" choose the desired options or find these explanations with the following link: https://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=Safari/3.0/fr/9277.html
For Opera™: open the "Tools" or "Settings" menu, then select "Delete private data"; click on the "Detailed options" tab, then choose the desired options or find these explanations with the following link: https://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html
Use a cookie management platform You can choose to opt out of behavioral advertising by using the tool provided on this site (https://www.youronlinechoices.com/fr/) The cookies deposited when using the share buttons are also included in this platform."
Cookies are kept for a maximum of 13 months.